Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Losing the Big V

Let's just say this isn't based on what happened to me yesterday on Valentine's day.

And since we've all agreed this isn't about me, I just wanted to write a bitter blog just so if you happen to have the worst Valentine's you could ever have from your boyfriend of five years, you'd have something to ease your pain knowing somebody's been there too. But since I said this didn't really happen yesterday, let's say you're really just on your own. And let's also agree that I'm not writing this because I could barely sleep last night from all the petty crying. Deal? Okay let's start.

Yesterday was, as my single friends fondly called it, Forever Alone Day. Funny how that sounded like being single that day was the worst thing that could happen to you. In a way, it sort of was. Imagine going to the mall and seeing all those lovesick lovebirds (who are probably still checked in to Sogo as we speak) were flaunting all their silly stupid teddy bears that had overrated hearts (which was originally based on the shape of the human ass, yeah, you were holding things that shit came out of) glued to their hands. And how can we forget the sickly scent from all those huge ass bouquets swinging about. Damn. Who the hell needs flowers anyway. And I can certainly tell you that I didn't cry when I saw all those overrated, shallow, pretentious tokens of affection being carried by all those temporarily happy girls. 

Okay, one thing you need to know about me: I'm low maintenance. If I sense that paying for a meal is a little too much for you, I'll gladly lend you money. I don't need big cars or fancy gifts. I'll be more than happy to accept a very simple but thoughtful gift (a funny joke written on a tissue paper with a smiley on it is enough for me). I'm not rich and I'm a design student so I know what BROKE and BUSY means. But I also know what THOUGHTLESS means too. Not that I'm implying anything.

Let's say, out of pure imagination, that I decided to pay someone to serenade someone even if I was broke that week but I've been madly excited about it for weeks because I wanted that certain someone to have at least a decent Valentine's because they're graduating this sem. And let's also say, that I had to borrow money from a friend just to buy that someone chocolates because the money in my wallet wasn't even enough to buy myself a foam board that I needed for a scale model. Again, this is all fictional.

If that certain someone was broke, I understood why all that someone could afford was a uhmm...simple patch of seemingly floral objects. And I was cool with that, no worries. But let's say that someone finally got his allowance that afternoon, and well...let's just assume that aliens ate the President of the Bermuda Triangle and simple rose buds that normally costs around P20 suddenly increased to P1M each. That perfectly explains why, fictionally, that someone no longer bothered to get me one. But since I'm great at timing, before the aliens came, I got to buy a rose and surprised that someone that afternoon while seeing that someone not even holding anything in return, not even a fucking Maxx candy (not that I'm bitter about anything). But let's say again that for that day only, because I wanted to save whatever was salvageable that night, I gave that someone the benefit of the doubt of him actually planning a nice THOUGHTFUL evening for us...only to hear that all that someone planned was a super panalo meal at Pizza Hut. Nothing spells Romance better than Discounted Meals. Don't get me wrong, I'm not after the price (heart shaped donuts from dunkin donut would have been enough), but that just had to be one of the most thoughtless thing you could hear after a very long tiring day. Not that I'm saying I heard it. None of this really happened.

Okay so since I'm not crying my heart out right now, I'll stop here.

I guess the fictional girl I've created in this blog sounds incredibly petty for getting all dramatic over an unimaginative,consumerist-oriented,and entirely arbitrary,manipulative and shallow interpretation of romance day, but oh well. Crazy, shallow people happen. The last five years never happened anyway. Who needs a fucking token of appreciation.

And for all the singles out there, it's a lot better not to get anything when you're not expecting anything. It sucks so much more to not get a cheap bouquet or a bar of cheap chocolate when all you were expecting were an even cheaper flower (no "s") and an even cheaper packet of chocolates. And I wasn't even fictionally expecting a letter or anything that needed too much effort because I know how BUSY that fictional someone was. But I guess fictionally lowering your standards won't save you from being fictionally disappointed and heartbroken.

Fictionally, the end.

Belated Happy Valentine's everyone!

Cute, right? :)

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